
Didn't Make it? A Virtual Tour of My Showcase Exhibition 这回是双语

Susanna M 喻美与共

Welcome to the Creative Chamber of Happiness! ❤️


While you wait for the next episode to come, I would like to share with you one offline event from last weekend, a showcase exhibition which CCH and I got to contribute to. Some of you may received my invitation to attend, and the invitation you got may cause you to wonder "what is it about". 🤔

我知道你们一直在等CCH播客下一集的更新,蟹蟹等待!那下一集发布之前,跟你们分享个上周末CCH和我参与创作的线下展览活动吧。之前你们可能有收到我发出的邀请函,估计你们看到邀请函的时候很大一部分的反应是“这是个啥?” 😂

▼ if you didn't receive one, there you go 

喏,邀请函,回顾一下 ▼

It wouldn't be clear to you what it was about until you experienced it, the same as I wouldn't know what the facilitation program I signed up for 10+ months ago was about until I completed the program and the journey the last weekend. BTW, I've graduated!!!

那,就像我10个月前报名参加这个引导师项目一样,当时的我万万没想到10个月下来的收获会是这个样子的。你收到了我的邀请函,虽然上面写了很多字,做了很多维度的说明,如果你没来到现场体验,你还是不知道我们干了些什么。哦,顺便说一句,经过这披荆斩棘、身体心灵与大脑同时在路上的10个多月,我毕业啦哈哈哈 😄

>>> Show-off 炫耀一下毕业证哇哈哈 <<<

Back to the Showcase Exhibition itself, it showcased my transformation journey both personally and professionally during the past 10+ months. Some feedback I received after I shared the meaning behind my artworks is that they couldn't get it until the artist (me) shared with them, JUST like any other art piece. But that's the beauty of art, it stimulates creativity, different points of view, new perspectives, exchanging ideas, then something new will come out of it, we feel that we live in a new world, even though the physical environment didn't change, we changed. 


Now I am going to create a virtual tour for you, sharing with you what changed in me (please also try to read with your own interpretation).


 This is the Fundamental 


(installation art 装置艺术)

▼ My understanding of facilitation「before」

【之前】我对于引导师及自我定位的理解 ▼

▼「NOW」Facilitation doesn't mean a king 

【现在】我不用盛气凌人也能引导好整个团队 ▼

"both in my work, and in my life"


 I am not Monet 


(oil painting on canvas 布面油画)

▲ I am not Monet, 2017-2018, 50x40cm

「Before」I was trying to be perfect, I never considered the word "perfectionism" but I was behaving like that. I didn't aim much but just passing the standard, however, my standard was HIGH. High to myself, high to everyone else, I apologize to all my friends who used to suffer from that. 


▼ The first version of my painting

我在2017年画的初稿 ▼

I started to paint this work from 2017, it was not a perfect work but I didn't mean to touch it because I didn't want to ruin the closeness I got to Monet. 


See how close I got to Claude Monet's original work

 👇 看看我和克劳德·莫奈原作的差距

▲ Impression Sunrise, 1872, 63x48cm

Until I started my journey of "transformation" this year, I realized that my perfectionism is a limit to my creativity. The standard I wanted to reach to every time blocked me to think outside of the box. To show this leap, I "killed" it and rebuilt it.


So there you go.


See what they say 看看大家怎么说 🙅🏻‍♀️🙎🏻‍♂️👩🏻


 ⇠ Slide left to view more pictures

 ⇠ 向左滑动查看更多图片

 us 我们 

(interactive art 互动艺术)

(the ring is the artwork, not the holder underneath)


▼ Please scan the QR Code below to listen

it will take you about 60s 语音时长60秒

请扫描下方二维码听听我的变化 ▼

"I always believe the importance of diversity and inclusiveness in leadership and creativity, it requires practice to live it every moment"


 Pick up the Headphone 


(interactive installation art 互动装置艺术)

This set of installations is about the relationship I had with the world reflected from the observation I had in Fuxing Park in Shanghai, pity that you couldn't touch the pink and the black headphones from this WeChat, nor could you walk the same park as I walked before. The solution I have is an invitation for you to look around the people you are surrounded with, to see the type of relationship they have with the external world.

这组互动装置艺术作品是关于我与这个世界的联结,很可惜你在微信里触碰不到真实的耳机 🎧,也无法身临其境感受我在复兴公园摄像时的场景,那我就邀请你转身看看周围的其他人,观察一下他们与这个外部世界的关系。

Then you'll have your own art piece.


 C o - c r e a t i o n 

 共 创 

(I'm not the only artist in this set, you might be also 这组作品中我不是唯一的创作者,你可能也是共创的一员)

It really involved a diverse group of people and elements to contribute to this set of work, my colleagues, students, faculty, clients, guests, kuaidi shifu...


More looks 👇 还有可看的呢


 ⇠ Slide left to view more co-creation works

 ⇠ 向左滑动查看更多共创作品

▼ Some guests left their feelings on the ending board 

有些嘉宾在答谢墙上留下了一些他们的情绪和想法 ▼

▾ 谢谢你 送你首歌  ▾

a song for you to thank you

We are so glad to have you, thank you for witnessing my personal transformation journey. Share with your friends if you think this is fun, and please reach out if you want to share your story with us. 


we are also looking for the talented you to join us! If you are good at or want to be good at interview, audio editing, video editing, content editing, are passionate about promoting happiness regardless, so please...

我们正在寻找棒棒的你加入我们,如果你擅长或者【想】擅长采访、音频剪辑、视频剪辑、内容编辑,愿意为了提升广大人民群众的幸福感而奋斗,那么请 👇

 Contact us 联系我们 


If you are interested in the Artgym Academy’s Advanced Diploma in Facilitating Creative Collaboration, please visit http://artgym.com/courses/landing-creative-collaboration/ directly for more information.

The Shanghai II Hub accepts members for our core team on an annual basis in January of every year, with the recruiting cycle starting in October. If you're committed to making a difference in the world who also meet the under-30 age requirement, please visit https://www.shanghaiglobalshapers.org/#become-a-shaper to apply.

Please click "Read more" below if you missed the first episode we had with Mahdi Gilbert, he's super cool, you'll love him! Annnnnd, the next episode is coming! 

如果你错过了我们第一期的播客,可以点击阅读原文,那期的嘉宾 魔术师 Mahdi 超级酷,你一定会超喜欢他的。听完你就可以期待下一期了! 笔芯 ❤️


